Private Equity Recruitment:

Demand for business-savvy

Investment Associates

By Gavin Walker February 2021

Attention to Detail in your job search.

By Gavin Walker May 2020

You must sweat the small stuff.

Focused Job Searching 

gives better results.

By Gavin Walker May 2020

Scatter-gun applications don't work.

Managing Risk during a job/career change.

By Gavin Walker May2020

There is always risk in changing jobs, but don't be overwhelmed by it.

Turning Cold Calls into

Warm Calls

By Gavin Walker April 2020

If you're looking for a job you should consider cold calling potential employers too.

The War for Talent

By Gavin Walker April 2019

Top Talent has never been in greater demand. Your business must be proactive about recruitment.

​​Asset Management & Private Equity Recruitment

Employers will check out your social media presence.

By Gavin Walker May 2020

It can both seriously help or harm your career prospects.

Link to WalkerPhillip youTube Channel

Interviewing is a

two-way Street.

By Gavin Walker December 2021

Managing risks, doing your research, and making confident decisions

Link to Instagram

Job Seeker Strategies

During Lockdown

By Gavin Walker April 2020

There's always something you can do / improve / try out.

Bonus Season:

Time to Sharpen your Recruitment Strategy.

By Gavin Walker January 2021

It's relevant to both job seekers AND employers.

It's Okay to be Nervous

for an Interview

By Gavin Walker April 2020

In fact - it's good to be nervous!

Follow Gavin Walker on Instagram for more content on career confidence in the financial services sector.

Two Reasons we look to change jobs.

By Gavin Walker May 2021

And neither of them are financial..!

Question One of any Interview.

By Gavin Walker August 2021

It's like knowing the first question of an must prepare!

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel for latest insights.

2020 Recruitment

Crystal Ball

By Gavin Walker January 2020

A review of 2019, and a very rough predicition for investment recruitment in 2020.

Six Second CVs

By Gavin Walker July 2021

Recruiters take six seconds to look at a CV - how can you stand out better?

The Lonely Job Seeker

By Gavin Walker August 2019

Looking for a job is tough, it's lonely, and stressful. But it's also no one else's business.

The War for Talent

By Gavin Walker January 2022

The War for Talent will intensify in 2022. Here are some tips for employers to stay ahead.

Hybrid Jobs in Asset Management

By Gavin Walker March 2018

The modern workplace demands versatility of it's employees.

Small talk before a

video interview starts.

By Gavin Walker May 2020

It's a golden moment to be authentic and even discuss family with a stranger.

The Expectations of a

coffee interview

By Gavin Walker June 2021

It's an informal chat, but it's still a business meeting

The DNA of Top

​Distribution Professionals

By Gavin Walker September 2021

Distribution (Sales) can be an extremely rewarding career in the investment world if have what it takes.

Walker Phillip © 2016  |  All Rights Reserved

Ghosting &


By Gavin Walker November 2021

Ghosting is a social and moral shocker, but watch out for potential employers 'breadcrumbing' you.

How to Resign Properly

By Gavin Walker November 2018

It's a scary conversation to have, so you have to mentally ready.